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冯大中,1949年生于辽宁省盖县。号伏虎草堂主人。幼而好学,其后艰苦研励,专攻画虎,兼研山水及其他。艺术上,既崇尚传统,又致力创新。冯大中现为十届全国人大代表,中国美术家协会理事,国家一级画家,中国工笔画学会副会长,辽宁省美协副主席。作品《母与子》入选《中国美术五十年》(1942-1992)大型画集,《苏醒》、《母与子》入选《中国美术全集》,作品《苏醒》、《惊梦》入选“中国百年画展“及《中国百年画集》,有18件作品为中国美术馆收藏。多年来,他先后在北京、香港、日本、台湾、新加坡、法国、澳大利亚举办展览,作品多次入选全国性大展。1984年与宋雨桂合作的《苏醒》获第六届全国美展银奖;1985年作品《初雪》获全国青年美展二等奖;1988年作品《早春》获中国工笔画首届大展金牌;1991年作品《晚霞》获第二届中国工笔画大展银奖;1994年作品《霜晖》获第三届中国工笔画大展一等奖;1994年作品《艳阳》为全国第八届美展优秀作品。1992年获国务院特殊津贴待遇,1996年被辽宁省政府授予“优秀专家“荣誉称号;2000年被评为中国百年百名优秀画家;2000年被辽宁省委宣传部评为“德艺双馨“艺术家称号;2002年再次被辽宁省委授予“优秀专家“荣誉称号。日本、香港、荣宝斋等现已出版多种画集、画谱。冯大中的画风严肃典雅,画虎突破了程式化的俗套,赋予虎以人文之神韵,并创造了自己的艺术符号,堪称“前无古人,后无来者“,被誉为“天下第一虎“。其山水画境亦雄浑野逸,苍润博大,现自家面目。^-^Feng DazhongBorn in Gai county,Liaoning province,1949.Also named as Master of Fu Hu Cao Tang.He was very diligent at learning in childhood,then majored in Chinese traditional paintings of tiger figures,minored in landscape paintings, etc. His art reveals both convention and creation of the Chinese tradition. Feng Dazhong exels in painting tigers and langscapes. In painting tigers,he has broken down the old conventions and became known as “The No.1 Tiger Under Heaven”. Feng’s style is full of seriousness and elegance, his figures of tigers are way beyond the old conventional pattern. His landscape paintings also have a grand taste combined with leisure joys,which naturally goes back to his fine style.Feng is the current national deputy to the People’s Congress ,a council member of the Chinese Artists’ Association,national superior painter, vice-chairman of the Society of the Chinese Meticulous Painting,and vice-chairman of Liaoning Province Artists’ Association.1984,Awakening, a silver medal at the Sixth National Art Exhibition.1985,First Snow , a second prize at the National Exhibition of Paintings by Young Artists.1986,Love, displayed at the art exhibition of the International Peace Year sponsored by the United Nations.1988,Early Spring, a gold medal at the First National Exhibition of Meticulous Paintings.1991,went to Japan twice to hold a one-man art exhibition in Tokyo.1991,Sunset Clouds, silver medal at the Second National Exhibition of Modern Chinese Meticulous Paintings.1992,joined the Exhibition of Fine Modern Chinese Paintings,which toured Hong Kong , Taiwan and Canada .In the same year he went to Japan for the third time to hold a one-man exhibition in Tokyo.1993,joined the Exhibition of Art Works by Ten Outstanding Modern Chinese Painters held in Hong Kong.1994,Frost in the sunlight, the first prize at the Third national Exhibition of Modern Chinese meticulous Paintings.1996,had his one-man art exhibition in Singapore.1996,was entitled as “the excellent professional” by Liaoning provincial government ,awarded “great professional & moral behaviors” by Liaoning provincial government2000, awarded Chinese centennial top 100 painters.2002,entitled “the excellent professional” by Liaoning provincial government.Published many kinds of painting atlas and collections by Hong Kong presses, Japanese presses and Rong Bao Zhai.


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